Below is a timeline of Autism Hampshire's history, from its beginning as a small parent support group to its status as a registered charity and company with commissioned services.
Here are some of the key moments in our history:
Circa 1965: Autism Hampshire is founded as the Hampshire Society for Autistic Children.
1971: Hope Lodge School opens as Charltons.
1983: Autism Hampshire gains charity and company status as The Hampshire Society for Autistic Children and Adults.
1991: The Hampshire Society for Autistic Children and Adults becomes The Hampshire Autistic Society.
1992: New home for Adult Development Service, the Holt, is built.
1994: The Cottage and The Bungalow open for adolescent residents.
1995: The charity becomes affiliated with the National Autistic Society.
1996: Aspin House opens for 16-19-year-old residents of Hope Lodge School.
1997: Autism Hampshire moves its base to Whiteley.
1998: Autism Hampshire and three other charities found the Autism Alliance.
1999: 1-2-6 Project raises £216,120 for new adults' residence.
2002: 1a and 1b Brockhurst Road are purchased as residences for autistic adults.
2008: The Autism Alert Programme is begun to help autistic people receive support from emergency services.
2014: The first Serendipity Social Group is held - Fareham Highland Hub.
2013: The Hampshire Autistic Society becomes Autism Hampshire. Hope Lodge School closes as Autism Hampshire moves in a different direction.
2019: Our first charity shop, Serendipity, opens in Fareham.
2021: New contracts for online Autism Parent training in Hampshire.
2022: Autism Hampshire takes on 16 new homes across Hampshire. A Lottery grant provides funding for an extra 5 Serendipity groups online and in person taking the total up to 17.
2023: Autism Hampshire merges with Avenues Group.
2024: Neurodiversity Connections Hub was launched in Southampton.
2025: Autism Hampshire expands it delivery of mandatory NHS and social care training across Hampshire in memory of Oliver McGowan.