Information, Advice & Guidance Service

For autistic adults, young people and children, their parents, carers and professionals

Information, Advice & Guidance Service

Our Information, Advice and Guidance team offers a wide range of free services to support individuals, families, and professionals. This service is available pre, during and post diagnosis.

We are available on the telephone (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm) and by email. Face to face appointments are also available. 

The service is available free of charge for people in Hampshire.

General Enquiries Telephone: 02380 766162


Information, Advice & Guidance Offices: Autism Hampshire, 1646 Parkway, Whiteley, Fareham, PO15 7AH (by appointment only).

The Information, Advice & Guidance team is funded through Southampton City Council and CCG, Hampshire CAMHS and a Hampshire County Council Adult Services Grant.

If you think you or your child may be autistic, speak to your GP, a health professional or your child's school and special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO). Our Information, Advice and Guidance aren't able to offer assessments but may be able to signpost people to other organisations to assist. Alternatively, please visit the Local Autism Directory (managed by Autism Hampshire) which includes a variety of services and information.

Our information Advice and Guidance team can arrange face to face meetings in Bitterne, Southampton, to support autistic people in the area.

To find out more about the centre, click here.

Our Autism Alert programme supports autistic people, should they find themselves in any type of contact with the police or other emergency services. There is a wallet card, a car badge and an autism assistant app; all of which are provided free for any Hampshire resident.

Click here for more information or contact our Information and Advice team.

Autism Hampshire runs workshops for families and individuals living in Hampshire. Find out more information here

A wide variety of groups are run by other organisations to support autistic people, parents and carers. We keep a regularly updated list of all local groups for both adults and children. Please contact us to find out more. A list is also available on the Local Autism Directory.

Being prepared for a hospital visit or emergency can make a real difference to the care you receive.

The Care Passport is a document that you can complete and update at any time. It tells people such as nurses, paramedics and doctors about your condition and how best to communicate and interact with you. It might save valuable time and avoid misunderstandings, hopefully leading to a better care experience all round.

My care passport for hospital and care settings

A list of useful websites and other resources can be found here.

Our former Serendipity Project Officer, Deborah Goatley-Birch, describes the support she received from Autism Hampshire's Information, Advice & Guidance service and how it helped her as the parent of a child who is autistic.


Every day working in Information, Advice & Guidance is different, every individual, parent/carer or professional that comes to us has a different question or support need. At times my role can be very challenging but when someone tells you that the advice given has made a difference to their lives it is worth every minute. I am lucky that I work with a wonderful team of people and together our mission is to support people through any challenges that they are facing to enable them to embrace the autism spectrum within their lives.

Katie - Information, Advice & Guidance Service Manager

© Autism Hampshire, Part of Avenues Group, all rights reserved.
Charity Reg. No. 288141. Company Reg. No. 01710300.