Autism: Developing Understanding and Implementing Practical Approaches

Please be aware that the following training course is an older resource. While it remains available for its educational value, please note that some of the information, including terminology and diagnostic pathways, may be outdated. 

Our external training team runs regular courses for parents, teachers and autistic adults with up to date guidelines, protocols and practices. They can also provide bespoke training for businesses, individuals or other organisations created, designed and, wherever possible, delivered by autistic people themselves.

Free E-Learning Autism Training made available by Autism Hampshire

Our E-Learning Autism training module, Autism: Developing Understanding and Implementing Practical Approaches, has been co-produced with numerous autistic people across Hampshire and key stakeholders of local Autism strategic boards.

This module is aimed at everyone coming into regular contact with people on the spectrum and their families and it takes approximately 1 hour to complete, consisting of information slides and videos of experts by experience sharing their real life experiences. A certificate is provided for satisfactory completion of the module. The E-Learning is in line with the new Autism Core Capabilities Framework produced by Health Education England.

Autism Hampshire would like to thank our SHIP wide commissioners (Southampton City Council, Hampshire County Council, Isle of Wight Council and Portsmouth City Council) for their support and input into this learning module and Capita (commissioned by Southampton City CCG) for digitisation of this.

The E-Learning module is now available on all SHIP commissioner websites and Autism Hampshire’s website.

© Autism Hampshire, Part of Avenues Group, all rights reserved.
Charity Reg. No. 288141. Company Reg. No. 01710300.