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Search the Local Autism Directory for local autism related services, groups, activities and resources.

More information about the Local Autism Directory (LAD)

The LAD is a direct response to people’s request for a one-stop-shop of information across Hampshire, including Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. It helps to connect the autism community, professionals, employers and service providers, giving the access to autism information all in one easy place. The LAD provides information about many local services including support groups, activities, schools, employment, housing, developments taking place across the county and neighbouring regions.

The Local Autism Directory has been commissioned by SHIP Adult Services and Health and developed by Autism Hampshire. It is very much a combined approach to deliver information and support to people affected by autism.

Want something added to the Local Autism Directory or to make a change to an existing entry?

To make a request to be added to the Local Autism Directory or make changes to your entry contact us. All requests are free of charge.

For more information about requesting an entry or change please contact Autism Hampshire and ask for the Local Autism Directory co-ordinator.

Local Autism Directory Disclaimer

As information contained within the Local Autism Directory is provided by third parties, Autism Hampshire shall under no circumstances be liable for the accuracy of the information contained within the Local Autism Directory, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or any indirect or consequential loss or harm arising from the content within the Directory.

A message from the Commissioners

On behalf of all of the commissioners of the Local Autism Directory and Autism Hampshire, I hope that the directory is useful to you and that if you would like to add any further resources then do let us know.....with everyone’s support and input it will grow into an invaluable resource for the local autism community."

The Local Autism Directory is commissioned by and has been developed in partnership with Hampshire County Council, Southampton City Council, Portsmouth City Council, Isle of Wight Council and seven Hampshire CCGs.

© Autism Hampshire, Part of Avenues Group, all rights reserved.
Charity Reg. No. 288141. Company Reg. No. 01710300.