Autism Hampshire - Information, Advice and Guidance Service

Free services to support individuals, families and professionals and to raise autism awareness


The Information and Advice team offers a wide range of free services to support individuals, families and professionals and to raise autism awareness.

These services include:

  • drop-in sessions across Hampshire for those on the autism spectrum, pre, during and post diagnosis, and their families
  • autism alert programme to support people in the spectrum when in contact with the police or emergency services
  • information and advice library - well-stock with books on all aspects of autism
  • resource lending library - items such as weighted blankets, ear defenders and timers available to borrow for a small deposit
  • serendipity social groups for adults on the autism spectrum

We are available on the telephone, by email or by appointment at our Whiteley or Portsmouth offices. Autism Hampshire offers an information and advice service for adults, young people and children on the autism spectrum, their parents, carers and professionals. The service is available free of charge for people across Hampshire.

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Charity Reg. No. 288141. Company Reg. No. 01710300.