For young people aged 13-25
Between the ages of 13 and 25 a young person has to think about their future and what will happen after they leave school. This is a stressful time for any young person and their family, but for somebody with a disability, it can be especially hard.
To help young people with Special Educational Needs make the change from childhood to adulthood (13-25), there is a formal process of transition planning.
What is transition?
The term ‘transition’ is used to refer to life changes that children and young people may go through. Some will be experienced by all children, for example puberty or moving from one educational setting to another. Others will only be experienced by those with disabilities
For a teenager who has autism, growing up to become an adult with autism may have extra, unique challenges beyond those commonly faced by other teens.
Families of children with autism will also have to adapt to the changes that being an independent adult with the condition brings.